7 Places to Put Your Brand Video After It's Finished

You’ve created a brand video to bring awareness to your business but now what? At first, the excitement of the new video was exhilarating. You were showered with new likes and comments that made you feel a sense of progress. 

But over time that excitement is gone and you don't know how to leverage your brand video for maximum usage. In this post, I’ll share seven ways you can leverage your brand video to get consistent views and gain more business.

  1. Pin at the top of your Facebook Business Page

Did you know you can pin a post at the top of your business Facebook page? When you do, everyone sees the same post at the top. Pin your brand video on your Facebook page to allow visitor’s first interaction to be powerful.

  1. Key Places On Your Website

The popular pages on your website are great spaces to place your video. Usually, the homepage, the about page, and the services page are prime real estate for web visitors. Be careful though of embedding videos too far down on the website page. The higher you place the video, the more likely it will be viewed.

  1. Run Facebook Advertisement Campaigns

The power of Facebook ads is they allow you to target your customer demographic. For a relatively low cost, you can get your material in front of thousands of potential customers. Use your video to drive traffic to your website or capture emails with a lead generation offer.

  1. Add link to your Email Signature

We all have a business email. Try adding a link to your brand video in the signature of your email. You won’t be able to show a thumbnail of your video so you’ll have to create an intriguing link name to entice someone to click.

  1. Social Networks (yes, do it again)

Just because you posted the video before doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. You’d be surprised how short people’s memory are. Plus, due to social network algorithms, it’s highly possible someone different will see your video when you repost. According to the “Rule of Seven”, people need to see your marketing message seven times before they take action.

  1. Add to Proposals

Proposals are you’ve got to make a great impression. Being organized and dynamic is a great way to win a potential customer. Try adding your brand video to proposals as viewing your video may push a reluctant customer to do business.

  1. Send to Strong Leads

Remember that the fortune is in the follow-up. Send your video to strong leads or customers who haven’t seen your video before. Checking on old clients is a great way to get repeat business. Why not let them know you’re thinking about them and are open to working together in the future?

  1. Ask Fans to Share

Leverage your video by asking fans of your work to post on their social networks. Referrals by people we know bring instant credibility and can lead to business. Take the guesswork out by telling them exactly what to say or post with the video.

The important thing in video marketing is to create content that works for you repeatedly. When that video is created, placing the video strategically will ensure you get the most value from it.

You never know where and when that big customer will come, so by using the information above, you’ll be in the right place at the right time.

Happy Marketing,

blogChris Haywood